Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pens at the ready!

I have gathered the pens I am taking with me to Indianapolis this week. I have a journal book ready to write in. My ipod is charged, my netbook has several books to read and I have a variety of charging type accouterments to carry along. Sure makes life easy, this portable electronic stuff! ;) I intend to mail several postcards from along the way and have a bit of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca Jane PrescottOctober 23, 2011 at 10:37 AM

    Today I came across your blog and I am enjoying going back and reading through all your previous posts on what is an otherwise cold and blustery, dark Autumnal Sunday afternoon. This post in particular however, just made me smile as it briefly conveys all the essential elements I too would want to include, on any trip or outing away from home. I think I might actually drop you an email and see if you would mind if I wrote you at some point as I love your blog and really identify with the observations and sentiments contained within it.
