Sunday, February 6, 2011

2011 Letter in 2011 project

Renee from 2011 Letters invited me to participate in their quest to recieve 2011 letters in the year 2011. The first letter is sealed and stamped and will be on the way to the mailbox in the morning. Take a peek at this blog and why not write them a letter?


  1. Thanks so much for posting about our project here.Even if we only got 1 letter from your posting,it's 1 letter closer to our goal,so thanks a bunch! :)

  2. Renee, I just cross posted to the Fountain Pen Network. This ought to generate a few letters.

  3. Aww,I just saw that...thanks so much for helping spread the word...the statistics on my blog have shown a lot of visitors from your blog and from the fountain pen network,so thanks very much for your help!I really appreciate it! :)
