Saturday, December 4, 2010

Noodler's Baystate Blue!



I was being brave. I thought that Noodler's Baystate Blue would look good in the clear barrel of a Platinum Preppy eyedropper pen. So I grabbed the ink, found a worthless bulb syringe, put a little water in the barrel to tame the beast and proceeded to get ink all over my fingers! I do believe that Baystate Blue can be seen from space.

BTW, I received the pen with a bottle of Noodler's X-Feather I purchased from Goulet Pens.


  1. I didn't know you had a blog! I think your writing is spectacular and your photography is pretty damn good too! :)

  2. Yer so silly! But I do have a couple of the best letters in the world to take pictures of and to post about!

  3. I bought Baystate Blue just because of the name (I'm a Bostonian, living in Pittsburgh) and was very disappointed with the color. It's not very exciting. But then again, neither is Massachusetts, but I still love it and wish I was there.
