Monday, February 13, 2012

Whoa, handwriting

I came home today expecting the normal pile of catalogs and junk in the mail. Imagine my surprise to see this!

Joel is a fellow participant in lettermo and also a member of The Fountain Pen Network. He sent me a fantastic introductory letter, written with a fountain pen and with an ink that gives great shading and in some of the most amazing cursive handwriting I have ever seen!
Isn't that just great? Thanks Joel!!!

Oh, and in case you forgot about the weirdness I deal with on a daily basis, here is another shot! That's a pretty big blue tongue!


  1. Wow, that's a really beautiful handwriting!
    I liked ink when I was a kid too:P

  2. Ok, now I am totally embarrassed by the letter I just sent to you. That handwriting is lovely - how does one learn to write like that?


    1. Hi Vicki, don't worry about comparing handwriting to someone like Joel. He is a retired art teacher and I am sure has done a bit of calligraphy in his day.

  3. ah, don't worry that's not the contagious kind of blue-tongue.
